German Unifications - Custom Super Events Compilation - Red Flood
El gran pueblo alemán se integra de nuevo en una sola entidad (los del baltico no porque me dio hueva)
The great German people are once again integrated into a single entity (those from the Baltic not because I was lazy)
Великий немецкий народ в очередной раз интегрируется в единое целое (эти из Прибалтики не потому что мне было лень)
List of the unifiers and song=
0:03 Karl Radek - In Lenins Geist
0:27 Luxemburg Gang - East Germany National Anthem
0:56 Karl Popper - Solidaritätslied
1:23 J . Goebbels - battle hymn of the republic in german
1:57 Adolf Pözlz - Internationales in german / Palästinalied
2:20 Ersnt Reventlow - Pa Vikingtog
4 months ago 06:08:53 1
Glory & Defeat: The Franco-Prussian War 1870/71 (Full Documentary)