How multiculturalism destroyed SWEDEN

Sweden was recognized worldwide as a very wealthy, developed country with an excellent quality of life and, above all, a very peaceful country. It was even among the ten safest countries in the world. However, in recent years, Sweden has had one of the highest rates of gun deaths in all of Europe. In addition, hospital waiting times are among the worst in Europe and the quality of education has declined across the board. But without a doubt, what worries Swedes most is the issue of crime and violence. In fact, last September the situation reached the point that Sweden is preparing to deploy its armed forces to deal with the wave of violence across the country. Swedish Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson said: “Sweden has never seen anything like this before. No other country in Europe is seeing anything like this.“ The whole situation is driven by gang turf wars, personal vendettas and a large pool of available youth. Most of them from immigrant communities arriving from other countries in Africa and the
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