Let’s Play Notrium (P1)

Okay, so to be fair, I actually HAVE seen some video footage of this game. I’m still going to try to keep it as real as possible, and I’m pretty sure I’ll get to a completely-blind point soon. Although it looks like the game’s pretty static right now, I’ve been told it stays nice and random anyway, so I’m not too worried about that. Notrium was designed way back in 2003 by Ville Mönkköne. First and foremost, it plays like a survival game with a top-down perspective and, most notably and contrast to what we usually play, works in real-time. I’ll have to be at my best if we want to stay alive for any reasonable amount of time, I reckon! Be warned that this is basically the tutorial video. I’m a little thankful I went through it, since some of the commands were confusing until I experimented long enough to figure them out, but it seems like the game has a sort of built-in process anyway. Why they bothered with a completely separate tutorial on top of that I’ll never know. You can find Notrium (and a number of other games that don’t appear to be roguelikes) using this link:
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