Володя, не драматизируй: мы просто танцевали / Don’t be so dramatic, Volodya: we were just dancing

Володя, не драматизируй: мы просто танцевали ⚜️⚜️⚜️ Don’t be so dramatic, Volodya: we were just dancing Translation👇🏻 Olga: Um... He’s a highly dramatic and highly intense person, that is he. Pushkin: Would you translate that? Olga: He’s a drama person, an intensity person on practically any issue. Lensky: 😫 Olga: Attention: any issue. Нашъ Бусти / Our Boosty: Нашъ Патреонъ / Our Patreon: Нашъ телеграмъ / Our Telegram: Нашъ Яндексъ Дзенъ / Our Yandex Zen: #piterville #евгенийонегин #пушкин #тиктокъ #питервилль #кириллщербина #дмитрийрепин
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