Riley Lee complete mini-documentary: about me, my instrument, tradition and my music. Shakuhachi 尺八

I made this video in 2020, at the height of the COVID pandemic. I’ve been playing the shakuhachi for over one-half a century, and was bestowed the rank Dai Shihan (Grand Master) way back in 1975. I talk here a little bit about why/how I got involved in the (shakuhachi 尺八), the instrument itself, its tradition, and my thoughts about my latest obsession: playing Hildegard’s music on my bamboo flute. Note: In this mini-doco, I mispronounce ’Bingen’ (where Hildegard lived). Oops, sorry! Too late to change now. Let me know if you have any questions, either in comments below, or through my website: Please subscribe to Various links: If you want to learn more, and keep in touch with me, please join my personal music group on FB: VIDEO CREDITS: Executive Producer - Riley
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