12 Two Devastating End Time Deceptions

Most Christians today have accepted and believe two errors that Satan has developed over the centuries to ensnare as many people as he can in the last days. The Bible says that the last day Antichrist will be identified by being lawless. He has led Christians to change the Sabbath commandment of the Law of God and led many to misinterpret the texts that say we are no longer under the law but are under grace and that the law was nailed to the cross. Thus the Law is not of so great importance to them to keep the way God says we should. But James 2:10-12 says that even breaking one of the Ten Commandments means breaking them all and Matthew 7:21-23 says that many Christians in the end will prophecy and work miracles, but will be deceivers because they do not keep God’s Law. Pastor Bohr shows how the logical results of believing this error has led to the acceptance of the pagan belief, which has become widespread in Christianity, that the soul is immortal and that we go to either heaven, hell or purgatory immediately after we die. He demonstrates that the biblical definition of sin is the breaking of the Law and that the penalty for sin is death. But if the Law is altered, partly kept or done away with, then there would be no such thing as sin and therefore no death. This is how spiritualism is creeping into the churches. These are the very same two issues that satan deceived Eve in the Garden of Eden with when he said she could sin without dying because she was inherently immortal like God and could make her own laws to direct her life without needing a God and His standards to rule over her. Pastor Bohr shares several biblical texts that show man is mortal and only God has immortality. He discusses how only Christ’s death in paying our penalty for sin provides the way to eternal life and how His sacrifice would be rendered unnecessary if God’s Law had been done away with. He also shows how Revelation 22:14,15 says that someday Eden will be restored to those who by faith in Jesus keep the commandments of God and only those who uphold His Law and honor Him will once again eat from the Tree of Life that gives man immortality.
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