Cycling & waterfalls of River Nile

They call Uganda the “pearl of Africa“. And the waterfalls of the Nile River have been given the synonym “hidden jewel“. This seems to be true, especially in the morning or evening dawn. The Nile Sport Safari team are pearl divers. Welcome for a ride along the shores of River Nile: Let’s introduce Sharvi, our cycling guide. Or better he introduces himself: By the names I’m Bakaki Twhahili also known as Sharvy, adged 25 Ugandan living in Buwenda village near Jinja city. I enjoy cycling across Eastern Uganda and beyound. Please, let’s enjoy cycling any day! I started cycling when I was in primary school. My grand mum used to ask me to fetch water with a bike, but later I found that she helped me to discover a talent and skills in myself. Beside that my dad, who was a football coach at a local level, used to make me ride almost 75 km. far away from home to strenght my muscles. Finally I used one stone to “kill two rabbits“ and developed a habit for doing sports. Therefore, cycling and football are my passion these days!
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