Mortal Kombat Arcade Edition walkthrough (Sega Mega Drive/Genesis)
Main features of this project:
A Lot of hacking to add new GFX details, Polishments, Timing improvements, Sound samples, New features… Master Linkuei did all this stuff with the help from Billytime!Games.
Master Linkuei remade all the bio and ending screen using the arcade gfx as base. Including the 2 absent ending screens from Kano.
Every graphic made by PROBE Software was completely changed or improved by Master Linkuei, Chev Chelios and Danilo Dias to look more accurate.
New animations for the Courtyard (monks and tsung), Palace Gates (Flame), Warrior’s Shrine (Flame during Ermac fight) and Throne Room (Shang Tsung head Shang Tsung clap).
Added 80 sound samples from the Arcade!
BillyTime!Games added a whole new SRAM system to save the Winning Streak name list.
Improved gameplay removing delays and improving the whole timing.
Option to change between original Music order or a more accurate one
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2 weeks ago 00:34:12 1
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