【SPIRITFARER and SUPER CHATS】#Holomyth #HololiveEnglish

What is up, humans?! ♡ Calliope Mori(森 カリオペ)here. Grim Reaper’s apprentice has a body! Can you believe it? Let us see if we can actually do this... I’ll be watching archives from the past to shout out supers we missed, as well as managing my ship in the background! ^^ It should be rather relaxed, so I hope you’ll come say Howdy! --------------------------------- This game is being streamed and monetized after confirming with Thunder Lotus Games. 本ゲームはThunder Lotus Gamesに許諾を得た上で配信・収益化を行なっております。 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ORDER MY BRAND NEW ALBUM: ーーーーーーーーーーーーー RIP REMIX MATERIALS: [Hashtags] (LIVE) #calliolive #カリオライブ (Music) #callioP (Fanart) #callillust #カリイラスト (Fan-name) Dead Beats (デッドビーツ) ========================= [Mori Calliope] ■Channel ■Debut Stream
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