How Britain Votes Reel 1 (1951)

Unissued / unused footage - dates and locations may be unclear / unknown. Cuts from documentary ’How Britain Votes’, in the context of the 1950 Election - Reel 1. Oxford by-election (2nd November 1950). General exterior view of Polling Station with people walking in and out. Inside the Station we see a man come in and walk up to clerk at table. He is given ballot paper and walks off. Woman checks name on voters’ list, man sitting beside her stamps ballot paper and hands it to voter. We see the man go into a booth and make his vote. C/U of man looking at poster giving guidance in voting. C/U of ballot paper as someone runs a pencil over the names - Brown, Jones and Smithson - and eventually starts to make cross beside Jones. C/U of voting man looking thoughtful. M/S of sign outside building ’Conservative and Unionist Central Office’, as people walk to and fro in foreground (Smith Square). Exterior of Transport House; a few people go inside. Two West-Indian (?) men walk past. C/U of sign reading ’
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