Sir Peter Pears; “DIE SCHÖNE MÜLLERIN“; Franz Schubert
This channel is the re-establishment of previous channels that have been sadly terminated.
Peter Pears--tenor
Benjamin Britten--piano
’Born: June 22, 1910 - Farnham, Surrey, England
Died: April 3, 1986 - Aldeburgh, England
Sir Peter Pears [full name: Peter Neville Luard Pears] was a famous tenor and organist. Peter Pears was an organ scholar of Hertford College, Oxford. He then studied singing at the Royal College of Music (1933-1934). In 1943 he joined Sadler’s Wells. In 1945 he joined the English Opera Group. He enjoyed great success as a Lied and oratorio soloist, in particular as the Evangelist in Bach’s Passions. He regularly sang at Covent Garden in London and was a guest performer at the Scala in Milan, in Vienna, Zürich, Munich, Rome and the USA. He made his debut at the Metropolitan Opera in New York in October 1974 as Aschenbach in Death in Venice. He was knighted in 1978.
Peter Pears was collaborator and companion of Benjamin Britten. Many of B. Britten’s works have parts specifically written for Pears, including Peter Grimes. Pears was the co-librettist for A Midsummer Night’s Dream. B. Britten first met Pears in 1934, when Pears was a member of the BBC Singers. They did not become strong friends until a friend of Pears, Peter Burra, died in an air crash. B. Britten and Pears gave their first recital together in 1937, at Balliol College, Oxford. The concert was part of a Spanish Civil War relief program. B. Britten travelled with Pears to Europe and USA. Their return home was marked by a performance of the Michelangelo Sonnets at Wigmore Hall. Its success led EMI to record it, which marked Pears and B. Britten’s first recording together. Primarily known for his interpretations of B. Britten’s operas, he often sang the title-roles at the premiere performances. Together with B. Britten Pears edited ancient English vocal music. They were together for the 40 years until Benjamin Britten died in 1976; Peter Pears died ten years later of a heart attack. He was buried next to Benjamin Britten in their grave in Aldeburgh.“;;
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