This is a real message from a real officer in the Russian special forces. The information it contains is true. Translated and published by Russell Bentley, read by Ania K with permission from the author. SHARE AND SUBSCRIBE! Hi, Mom. I am traveling from Tver now, and there’s an opportunity to talk about Putin and his actions as a leader. Clearly, everyone thinks about themselves that they’re a great strategist, while observing a fight from the outside… We all imagine from afar, that “if I were him, I’d do this, that, and that”… However, we don’t have all the information. We do not get daily intelligence briefings as to what is happening in all corners of our country, not just in Donbass. Quite powerful players with serious intelligence and technical capabilities are playing against Putin. Ukraine is run by Great Britain and the USA, who provide them with all satellite intelligence. AWACS airplanes fly over the Black Sea and provide full coordinates for all facilities, including oil derricks and soon. So we are being fought against by the collective West and first and foremost the USA and Great Britain. And they would like for Europe to pay for all of this. They wish to solve a few problems at once: to weaken, to reduce the level of influence of Europe, to push Europe as far back from Russia as possible. And it would be desirable to create some kind of a unified country between Europe and Russia arbitrarily called “Anti-Russia”. In order to achieve this, Poland, Ukraine, and the Baltic states must be unified. Currently, they are trying to manipulate the situation in different ways to gradually converge on having the elites of Ukraine and the Baltic states unite with Poland into some kind of a confederation or a federation. They are now quickly rewriting laws in order to allow Polish citizens, officials, prosecutors and others to work in Ukraine without any limitations. The same will now be done in the Baltic States. Lithuania has started acting up by closing the transit way to Kaliningrad, thus provoking Russia to take some actions in response, in order to further convince those, who are still in doubt,that the Baltic states must join this three-way union against Russia at all costs. If they manage to drive in such a wedge between Europe and Russia, Europe will stop developing, and her abilities will be reversed. Europe will gradually decline and go broke, while Russia,without contact with Europe, will respectively face certain difficulties, because, while possessing a strong raw material resources base, we won’t have access to various technologies that Europeans, namely, the Swiss, the Germans, the Austrians were able to advance in. There was an idea to create a common economic space from Lisbon to the Far East, and as such we would have had a strong geopolitical influence on the Eurasian continent. However, as you see, the British and Americans are taking all possible measures in order to not allow this to happen. Clearly, liberating Ukraine from nazism was a forced measure, because it was obvious that they would have carried out their plans on their own very soon. They had prepared their most powerful airplane, Mria, the heavy lifter, at the Gostomel airport to carry out a strike on Rostov-on-Don. That is why our airborne troops landed there, took the “stuffing” out of Mria, and took it to Russia. Those were components of a “dirty” nuclear bomb, that was supposed to be used above Rostov-on-Don. Ukraine had planned to attack Donbass, and Russia was supposed to step in. In fact, the fighting was supposed to take place on the border, because they would have made it to the Russian border in 2-3 days by crushing Donbass, as a very serious force was being concentrated there: 250 thousand armed and trained soldiers. In response, Russia would have started an operation to protect Donbass, but this would, in fact, be happening in Russia or on the border between the DNR and Rostov or Belgorod regions. Respectively, Ukraine would be screeching for the world to hear: “We are under attack! Russia has crossed the border!” She would take everything she had to the skies, including the Mria airplane, and strikes Rostov with a dirty bomb, thus destroying the Black Earth region: Rostov, Krasnodar, and Donetsk. The goal was to make sure that Russia couldn’t use these lands to feed herself and others in the future. A fairly serious food crisis is coming up. The conductors of this crisis believe that if the land is poisoned for an extended period of time, for the next 20-30-50 years, then Russia won’t have such a powerful trump card, which is the fact that she supplies half of the world, half of humanity, with bread.
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