A E I O U / Two & Three Letter Blending & Sight Words, Kindergarten Read Phonics @FirstStepReading
2 Letter and 3 Letter Blending and All Sight Words: Reading Short Vowel Word Families A-U AND Sight Words
#Kindergarten #phonics #sightwords #read #firststepreading @FirstStepReading
#FirstStepReading #alphabet #AlphabetSounds #Letters #ABCs #learning #preschool #reading #teach #teacher #School #Schooling #English #memorize
This video teaches your child how to blend 2 short vowels letters and to read 3 letter Words
Blending letters together is how children read words. This is how children can decode unfamiliar words when reading using the letter sounds and then blending the sounds together to read words.
This video teaching Blending.
First with 2 Letters and then sounding out words. The video goes over Short Vowel A, E, I, O, U 2 letter Blends and 3 letter words.
This video shows your child to use both letter sounds and word families to help him/her blend 3 letters together to read words.
Reading 3 Letters words is taught by moving a Consonant closer and closer to Short Vowel Word Family Endings.
Blending sounds to make words is a learning process. The first step of blending is when your child states the correct sounds for the letter characters that are being blended for example the word, “Cat“ will often first be read as “C“- “at.“ With practice your child will learn to further blend the sounds to correctly say “Cat.“
Your child will learn to read 3 letter Short Vowel A words in the Practice Reading Book. (Practice Reading Book 1: Pages 1-26).
Your child can also practice blending the sounds to read words with magnetic letters. Use the Short Word families endings and add different Consonants to the front of the different word endings
Sight Word are Not Phonics words. These words should be Memorized. These are the most common words children will encounter when reading. If children memorize these words they will read faster and understand what they are reading better.
Learn with TEACHER Heather
Heather is a Credentialed Elementary School Teacher with a Masters in Elementary Education. She is also the Author and Illustrator of
Step To Teach Your Child to READ!!!
1. Letter Identification
2. Letter Sounds
3. 2 Letter Blending
4. 3 Letter Blending (Phonics Word Families CVC Words)
5. Sight words Memorization (Practice Sight words throughout the Learn to Read Process)
6. What is a Vowel
7. Long Vowel Words (Long Vowel Words Families)
Vowel Consonant Vowel (vcv) or Vowel Vowel (VV)
8. Digraphs (2 Letters that make 1 Sound)
9. Irregular Letter Sound Combinations
10. Blends (2 letters that make two sounds blended together)
11. Controlled R Words (ar, or, er/ur/ir)
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