Hallelujah Chorus by 250 Voice Mass Choir for Classic Hymns album “ Our God Reigns“

Hallelujah Chorus by 250 Voice Mass Choir for Classic Hymns album “ Our God Reigns“ Conductor : Augustine Paul for Kenneth Paul Henson ( Ken Henson) Accompanist Pipe Organ : Avinash Mario Grubb String Orchestra Violin 1 : Emmanuel S , Grace Biswas, Joseph Jaswanth Y, Manoj Karunakaran, Prabhakaran A Wison Violin 2 : Peter Appaji, Jairus Ebenezer J , Diya Alampilli, Daniel Jacob Paul , Rishon D Ammana, P Sugandaran, Vanshika Mittal Viola : Michelle Joanna ,Shyamal Biswas , Vasanth Ebenezer H Cello : Anup Abraham, Jervis Deuel Arthur, Michelle Elizebeth Simons The Mass Choir are from the following Churches and Choirs St Andrews Church, Bangalore Conservatory Choir, Bangalore Mens Ensemble (BME) , Bangalore East Marthoma Church, CSI East Parade Malayalam Church , CSI Kannada Church Electronic City, Healing Service Choir , Indira Nagar Methodist Church , St Johns Church, Koramangala Methodist Church, Kothanur CSI Church, Pavanasar Lutheran Church TELC, #hallelujahchorus #250voicemasschoir #classichymnsalbum
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