No more interest

Listen to the track everywhere - Spotify, Apple Music, Amazon, Amazon Music, iTunes, Pandora, YouTube Music, Deezer, TIDAL - and so on vk: Yandex music: Our social networks: Subscribe, it’s interesting 👇 Our telegram channel: VKontakte community ENG/RUS: VKontakte community RUS: Our Instagram: Our YouTube: lyrics: No interest remains, dreams left in dust, Like shadows of the past, fading into the night. Even from a single word, I see through your deceit, But why waste my breath? You won’t understand anyway. Gray weekdays tangled like a web, You mess up everything, but that’s not my fault. Trying to argue, but your words are just wind, I have no interest in proving who I am, fool. No interest left, no patience anymore, Through darkness and gloom, we march forward. I don’t need your words, your foolish conclusions, I walk my own path, despite everything around. No interest when everything around is zeroes, You cry beneath the beat, but it’s just a game. Heart beats to the bass, like a drum, But you won’t understand, you’re just a player on the field. Alone on the field, surrounded by emptiness, You pretend to know what matters. But why say all this? I don’t care about your troubles, your truth. No interest left, no patience anymore, Through darkness and gloom, we march forward. I don’t need your words, your foolish conclusions, I walk my own path, despite everything around. No interest in proving anything to individuals, We all walk our own path, despite everything. Let darkness envelop us, We’ll find our own light and keep moving forward.
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