Your business is not your life | Toni Fitzgerald | TEDxSPJainSydney

Toni Fitzgerald believes that the entrepreneurial dream has become just that, a dream, and today too many business owners are a slave to their businesses, hence the emergence of side hustles and micro businesses. She explores how you can be the master of your financial success by putting you and your story first. In a world where increasingly the robots can do the work better than we can, people no longer care how talented and experienced you are, they yearn to know your authentic passion and why you do what you do. She says add this to the two critical financial lessons business owners are never taught and you have the recipe for a joyous free life as your business morphs into passive income. Toni Fitzgerald is an international best selling author with “Dare to Succeed”. She has worked with Radio and National Television networks as well as in real-world, bricks and mortar marketing strategy, advertising, promotion for both B2B and retail companies. Toni has written for or been interviewed by more than 300 different publications. She believes that the entrepreneurial dream has become just that, a dream, and today too many business owners are a slave to their business, hence the emergence of side hustles and micro businesses. She explores how you can be the master of your financial success by putting you and your story first. In a world where increasingly the robots can do the work better than we can, people no longer care how talented and experienced you are, they yearn to know your authentic passion and why you do what you do. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at
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