[ DPA Open Mic 74 ] RUSSIA now wants UNCONDITIONAL SURRENDER of Ukraine; French troops rumors
AI generated rough time stamp
00:00:00 Pre-show
00:05:10 Intro
00:08:02 98% of the Missiles Were Fired From Israel
00:13:55 Iranian Military Coordination in Ukraine
00:17:15 Vaughn on Israel’s Nuclear Deterrence
00:22:01 Israel’s Strike on Iranian Sites
00:30:31 Israel’s Aggressive Plans
00:35:27 Israel’s soft people are leaving
00:41:51 Cruz on the Weaponization of Abrahamic Faiths
00:48:25 Muslim perspectives on the military
00:49:16 Putin Warns of Russia’s Threat in Syria
00:51:16 is the Ukraine crisis a crimean war?
00:58:05 Bradley on the Russia Debate
00:59:44 Odessa
01:02:16 Hunter Biden Implicated in the Ukraine Attack
01:05:09 China’s plan to control semiconductors
01:07:43 US Airlines Complain About Russia’s Airline Advantage
01:16:14 Putin on Russia’s Regional Airplanes
01:25:59 Russia’s Logistics in Ukraine
01:31:04 How to Defeat a Ghost Army
01:37:19 Can You Hear Me?
01:38:06 How to Hold the Army’s Own Back
01:46:20 Putin on the Ukrainian War
01:48:56 Propaganda and the Ukraine War
01:51:44 EPA on Ukraine and the Middle East
01:53:00 Putin: Ukraine Peace Talks Will Be a Failure
02:01:18 President Trump on sending money to Ukraine
02:02:00 Israel vs Iran: A Full War
02:07:40 Russia’s stance on Ukraine peace talks
02:12:22 Switzerland’s neutrality issue
02:17:28 Switzerland’s neutrality mistake
02:26:43 Swiss Foreign Minister: What Ukraine Has to Do to Stop the
02:32:39 World War 3: Prediction #2
02:34:57 Switzerland and the Ukraine
02:42:56 on Russia’s Ukraine policy
02:46:02 “We’re in the Third World War“
02:51:46 Discussing Switzerland’s neutrality
02:52:23 Who Would be the Good Negotiator for Ukraine?
02:56:00 India vs Israel Spy Games
02:57:40 Swiss neutrality debate
03:02:19 Could Indonesia Replace Singapore as a NATO Neutrality?
03:05:00 Ideas for a Ukraine Peace Conference
03:08:51 Russia and the post-Unipolar world
03:16:36 The decadent elites of Europe
03:19:12 Multiple Mediators for Turkey
03:20:00 Senators: Do we need to switch topics?
03:20:22 on the mediator issue
03:26:01 The Russian strikings
03:27:01 Putin: Russia Is Using Sukhoi 57s in Ukraine
03:28:22 Putin on Russian Kh-69s
03:34:26 Confidence of the Russian Army
03:42:39 Sukhoi 57 is active in Ukraine
03:50:00 Military Plans for the Next Generation of Weapons
03:53:44 Meet Vladik from Odessa
03:56:19 Odessa and the Russian Invasion
04:03:30 Odessa vs the Russians
04:10:09 How Russia reacts to Ukraine’s actions
04:14:57 Odessa is more important than Kharkov for Russia
04:19:01 Russia’s interest in Odessa
04:26:04 Russian sweetheart deals with Ukraine
04:27:20 Pamela on Who Runs the CIA (
04:32:00 Bradley on Ukraine and Odessa
04:40:11 Vaughn on Russia and the Ukraine
04:46:52 Russia’s mineral resources
04:54:55 Why Don’t Ukraine Give Up on Fighting?
04:57:34 Why Ukraine Is a Priority for the West
05:01:33 Ukrainian issue discussed on air
05:04:05 Russia’s desire for a long-term peace in Ukraine
05:10:10 Open Mic
05:11:44 Bradley On Religion Being Weaponized
05:12:16 Ukraine: The Unraveling of the War
05:13:49 A panel on Odessa
05:14:54 Germany
05:16:08 on the Ukraine Borders
05:21:13 Africa and the future of capitalism
05:25:55 Europa’s future
05:33:31 Not a single ideology in the West
05:37:14 Free trade and the future of robotics
05:41:57 Captain Georges:
05:46:44 West and Russia’s approach to Ukraine
05:52:07 Open Mind
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