Is Dota 2 harder than League of Legends? Watch this video to find out...
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Credit to both of these channels. Go check them out!!
1). TzarPotato @TZAR_POTATO
2). BananaSlamJamma @BSJ
#leagueoflegends #league #dota #dota #riotgames #valve
Thank you RIOT SESSIONS for the incredible music
Thumbnail artist: PeachYolks
Discord: PeachYolks#9011
(please only message if you are interested in her services!)
00:00 Intro
00:26 Day 1
02:45 Day 2
04:10 Day 3
06:40 Day 4
08:50 Day 5
10:08 Conclusion
4 years ago 00:04:06 809
Dota 2 - is fun
4 years ago 00:02:06 973
Fountain Diving is for LOSERS Dota 2
3 years ago 00:02:17 3.8K
this is SEA dota in a nutshell
4 years ago 00:02:04 1.9K
MEDUSA is on STEROIDS in Dota 2
9 years ago 00:02:44 40.1K
Dota 2 Daily WTF - Comback is Real
4 years ago 00:00:42 62
5 years ago 00:21:11 232
THIS IS NOT DOTA IMBA (SingSing Dota 2 Highlights #1474)
8 years ago 00:10:21 274
Dota 2: Arteezy - Dota Is Stressful
10 years ago 00:02:16 23
This Is DotA
4 years ago 00:01:35 1.4K
Two Amazing Dawnbreaker Ultimates, Which is Better? Dota 2
5 years ago 00:01:11 151
Dota 2 Daily WTF - New Dota is Noice
5 years ago 00:02:25 7
Dota is just a weird game
5 years ago 00:02:01 6
9 years ago 00:02:39 582
Dota 2 Moments #72 - Fluxback is Real
6 years ago 00:13:49 220
Why OG is the Exodia of Dota
9 years ago 00:10:11 406
Zai is Back - Pro Dota Kaipi WellPlay Dota 2
13 years ago 00:09:37 820
DotA - Perfect Is Shit
8 years ago 00:11:51 334
Dota 2 - Luck is no Excuse 6
5 years ago 00:15:20 306
Dota 2 - Luck is no Excuse 8
4 years ago 00:02:35 98
R[A]T Dota 2 is back
11 years ago 00:02:16 6.6K
This is Dota 2
4 years ago 00:02:18 878
Wild Axes and Winter’s Curse COMBO is OVERPOWERED TIPS, TRICKS and BUGS Dota 2