Battletech - Official Soundtrack

Battletech - Official Soundtrack (2018) (0:00:00) 01. For All Mankind (0:01:49) 02. Restoration (Start Menu) (0:04:31) 03. Past as Prologue (feat. Emily Ridgway) (0:08:29) 04. Uncertain Crossroads (0:10:50) 05. I Am Not a Hero (Prologue) (0:12:46) 06. Coronation Day (0:15:42) 07. Ambush (0:19:52) 08. The Great Betrayal (0:25:22) 09. Remember Me (0:28:10) 10. Remember Me (Alternate Version) (0:29:28) 11. Three Years Later (feat. Emily Ridgway) (0:37:46) 12. Mercenary Blues (0:41:50) 13. A Welcome Respite (0:46:06) 14. ’Mech Bay Cantata (0:52:38) 15. Ochre Wall (0:55:34) 16. Benefactor (0:58:37) 17. Follow the Money (1:01:24) 18. Meat is Cheap (1:08:13) 19. Fan Out (1:11:02) 20. Grim Sybil (1:15:36) 21. March on Axylus (1:19:38) 22. That’s a Big ’Mech (1:22:39) 23. The Argo (1:24:57) 24. Carpe Noctem (1:27:41) 25. Bile and Venom (1:33:14) 26. First Strike (1:38:00) 27. The Cost of War (1:43:33) 28. Raju (1:44:30) 29. I Didn’t Know (1:46:26) 30. Save the Metal (1:48:42) 31. Contact (1:51:42) 32. Good Hunting (1:56:10) 33. Mending Fences (1:58:10) 34. Ruin (1:59:18) 35. Wolf at the Door (2:06:30) 36. Vox Nihili (2:08:34) 37. Umbra (2:13:04) 38. For the Reach (2:17:34) 39. Capture (2:18:14) 40. Flux (2:21:37) 41. Armory (2:22:09) 42. Newgrange (2:22:32) 43. The Vast Expanse (2:27:24) 44. Who Will Watch the Watchers (2:28:40) 45. The Wrath (2:30:00) 46. The Periphery (2:32:04) 47. Armistice (2:33:40) 48. Finale Composed by Jon Everist.
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