Adoration to Osiris

Album: Omnisutra - Book of the Dead Adoration to Osiris by Gavin Shri Amneon Please be aware the quality of sound in YouTube is not as good as the album production... Album available at: ADORATION OF OSIRIS Tua Ausar 4x Adoration of Osiris Un Nefer, Neter aa-a her ab abtu, suten HeH, neb tetta, Un nefer, Great God within Abydos, King of eternity, Lord of everlasting, sebebi HeH, am aahaa-f setep en khat Nut. traversing millions of years in the duration of his life. Eldest son of the womb of Nut. Utet en Seb erpaat, neb ureret, qa het, aøi neteru reø, Engendered by Seb the chief, Lord of the Ureret crown, loft of the white crown, Prince of Gods and men, seshep nef heq khu a-aut atef-f. He hath received the crook and flail and the dignity of His fathers. Us-f Auu aa-aa sent em renf pui en Ausar. Mighty is he exceedingly and great in t
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