Russian social activist, philosopher, futurist. Since June 2005 a member of the Coordination Council of Russian Transhumanitarian movement. Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Russian film company “KrioRus“.
Streams of the CITY 2.0, the transport scheme. Danila speaks on the circulatory and nervous system of the city and suggests his own decision.
On the 27th of May the conference TEDxVorobyovy-Gory on the theme of City 2.0 was held as a part of the XVI International Exhibition of Architecture and Design “Arch-Moskwa “. It was supported by the curator of the exhibition Mr. Bart Goldhorn and the general information partner - online news portal .
The speakers - representatives of intellectual, scientific and professional elite -- expressed their vision of modern metropolis, revealing a number of actual topics: the use of Web 2.0 techniques to identify broad contexts and new meanings of the citizen’s life ;new perspectives of the phenomenon of the mod
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