Best fertilizer for avocado. Самое лучшее удобрение для авокадо. Engrais magique pour avocatier.

Are you trying to grow a beautiful avocado tree? Try this magical yet surprisingly simple fertilizer... This fertilizer was created by nature specially for the avocado tree. When you eat avocado fruit, please don`t throw away it`s seed. Avocado seed is high nutritious and will help your tree to grow healthy. Cut the seed into small pieces. And insert these pieces into the soil of your avocado tree. Make sure all pieces are well covered with the soil. Otherwise they will soon become covered with mold. Or you can dry the pieces of avocado seed and make a powder from it in coffee grinder. Insert the powder you made into the soil. Then please water the soil to help the root get nutrition from this magical powder. Well done! You can repeat this kind of fertilizing every month. This will help your avocado tree grow big and beautiful. Thank you for watching. Don`t forget to subscribe for more amazing videos. And good luck! :) Essayez-vous de faire pouss
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