UN reform has been discussed for a long time, it is overdue. Two aspects are important to me. Conceptually, we are convinced

️ “UN reform has been discussed for a long time, it is overdue. Two aspects are important to me. Conceptually, we are convinced that the UN Charter contains all the necessary principles for peace and security. Only the US is tearing out these principles to suit itself,“ Sergey Lavrov said. “The UN Charter must remain at the core of the action. The principles must be applied in their entirety,“ the minister added. “The second aspect is practical. There is a need to reform the Security Council. This topic is now in the spotlight, and for many it is a matter of prestige. The reform should remove historical injustice and represent the world’s majority countries in the Security Council,“ he concluded. Subscribe to [club80289214|@SputnikInt] Источник: Sputnik International
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