Festival of Tabla 2023 - Arjun Prasad | Chirag Dixit

Arjun Prasad presents a tabla solo in Teentaal accompanied by Chirag Dixit Arjun Prasad Arjun showed a growing interest in percussion since he was 4 years old. It all started when he received a drum set as a gift for his 4th birthday. His passion for beats and rhythm led his grandfather to introduce him to tabla. He started learning tabla initially under the guidance of Jyoti Prakash ji. Since 2022, Arjun is continuing his learning under Pt. Rajgopal Kallurkar from Bangalore, India who was a disciple of Pt. Girish Avate and tabla nawaz Ustad Sheikh Dawood Khan. Arjun is 7 years old and is a second grader at Deerfield Elementary. He idolizes the legendary Ustad Zakir Hussain and is excited for his debut performance at the Festival of Tabla 2023. FOT presents and gives an opportunity of a lifetime to Arjun to perform right before the Grand Finale so he can give inspiration to other youngsters! Chirag Dixit Chirag has been learning Sarangi since 2013 from Pankaj Mishra of th
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