Around 1970-71 the center of graffiti culture shifted from Philadelphia to New York City, especially around Washington Heights, where suspects such as TAKI 183 and Tracy 168started to gain notoriety for their frequent vandalism. Using a naming convention in which they would add their street number to their nickname, they “bombed“ a train with their work, letting the subway take it throughout the city. Bubble lettering was popular among perpetrators from the Bronx, but was replaced with a new “wildstyle“, a term coined by Tracy 168 and a legendary original Graffiti crew with over 500 members including Blade, Cope 2, T Kid 170, Cap, Juice 177, and Dan Plasma. Graffiti tags started to grow in style and size. Notable names from that time include DONDI, Lady Pink, Zephyr, Julio 204, STAY HIGH 149, PHASE 2. Graffiti was growing competitive and artists desired to see their names across the city. Around 1974 suspects like Tracy 168, CLIFF 159 and BLADE ONE started to create works with more
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