Genetic Algorithm Fish

evolution of fish. each fish is a neural net. The purpose of this application is to develop a “killer fish“ - a fish that eats maximum pieces of food in a constant time period. The world is populated by 20 fish and 40 pieces of food. every time a generation begins. the food is scatted in a random distribution on a certain random location on the screen. (random piles of food). When being eaten, the food shows up in a new random pile in the screen. Every fish has a brain - Neural Net. It has 2 inputs: the direction and velocity of the fish. (himself). the relative location of the closest food. and two outputs: velocity of right wheel. velocity of left wheel. You can refer to the movement as a tank with two chains, and the output as the velocity of each chain. the target is to find weights for the neural net that will give the fish a “killer-brain“... When running the application you will see the generations go
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