Synopsis: This was part of the skill assessment that was required by all level designer/mappers on the team. We were provided “Alexander Base“ and were required to make a fun and engaging level around it. The only thing edited from the provided map was that I added rooms and expanded the basement.
In this, you will also see another concept that I worked on not apart of the skill assessment, the combine medic, which I provided the idea and texture of. Coding was added by a programmer, and used another default texture for the combine soldier, so I made the texture to show it was a medic.
2 weeks ago 00:07:38 1
Что такое ХЕРЕС и как он применяется в производстве ВИСКИ
3 weeks ago 01:10:35 1
[]Отдать долг Родине R1a Четвёртая часть 🏦Понедельникъ 38 Бейлетъ 7532лето от С.М.З.Х.
4 weeks ago 01:11:49 43
Может ли дизайнер испортить жизнь? Разводы после ремонта. Разговор с Александром Сенчуговым.
1 month ago 00:23:18 1
Такую Беларусь вы не видели. Припять в период большого разлива. Сплав на байдарках к морю Геродота
1 month ago 00:08:03 1
“Чужой 5“ Нила Бломкампа — неснятый шедевр, который мы потеряли