Retreat From Seoul (1951)

Korea. GV. Frozen river north of Korean capital Seoul. GV. United Nations Forces encampment. CU. Back view, UN soldiers sighting firearm. SV. Bazooka team firing - two shots. LV. & GV. Smoke on hillside. MV. Bazooka team firing. SV. Machine guns in action. SCU. Soldier looking through binoculars. GV. Smoking countryside. LV. Towards, refugees walking along railway track. SV. Towards, refugees walking along with large loads. SV. American GI using mine detector on refugee’s load. SV. GI using mine detector on refugee. GV. Air view of Seoul. LV. Towards, convoy leaving Seoul. SV. Towards, military police jeep in convoy. LV. Towards, government officials’ car leaving Seoul, & MV. Several shots of refugees moving along road. SV. Notice ’Seoul City Air Base’. SV. Members of Embassy staff walking towards aircraft. SV. Woman walking up steps of aircraft. SV. Embassy staff entering aircraft. SV. Soldier loading freight marked ’Pusan’. LV. Aircraft taxis out. MV. Soldier striking tent, & SV. SV. GI’s folding tent.
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