In our hands

Building these miniature sets was equally as exciting as it was devastating. Trying to find the beauty in these kind of scenes feels just strange. Especially if you know that this is what’s actually going on everywhere in the world. Director: Dorian&Daniel Cast: Lily Oakes Client: Erste Bank Christian Holemar Agency: Jung von Matt / Donau Gerd Schulte-Doeinghaus, Michael Nagy, Katharina Höller, Karin Uebelbacher, Stephanie Kremser, Sebastian Kubik DoP: Jake Scott Production: Zauberberg Executive Producer: Juliane Ellrich Producer: Florian Poltz Production Assistant: Clara Haas Bolt Operator: Julian Hessermann Service Production: Digital Spirit Service Producer: Ovi Morariu 1st AD: George Gugulici Casting: Belinda Norcliffe Production Design: Adrian Cristea Styling: Brendi Ioan Edit: Bobby Good Grading: Marina Starke Online: Neil Reynolds Music: Whitehorse / Nicholas Nowottny Composer: Topher Horn Vocals: Lily Oakes source:
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