Massive lava tornadoes 💥

Massive lava tornadoes and whirlpools shoot big burning lava junks dozens of meters away. It was around midnight. Volcano night views. Volcano solo expedition no. 9. - (as I stayed past midnight at the volcano). Tons of fascinating material again, filmed some incredible lava tornadoes, never seen so big ones. It was solo expedition. Was quite windy but after midnight no winds. I walked back via Natthagi valley at 1:30 am which was very thrilling as I was alone at night there and every stone seemed to be a ghost. There was NO WIND at that very still weather past midnight yesterday. And those are not little particles but you can notice big lava junks of several kilos flying. Nothing to do with the wind here. Those are some boiling effects when lava sinks into some black holes (of older lava layers) rapidly, like in a sink, as they happen after the volcano erupted and emitted a big flow. Post eruption phenomemon. At 4 am, 3 hours later there was even bigger lava tornado a
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