Daredevils - The Human Bird (Jeb Corliss)

©Channel4 and Firecracker Films A series of visually stunning films following some of the world’s most extreme individuals, who risk their lives pushing themselves to the physical and mental limits of human capability Jeb Corless aims to fly down the Matterhorn in Switzerland while wearing a winged Teflon suit, before pulling a parachute at the very last minute. Corless attempts dangerous feats such as these because of his self-confessed death wish -- he has counterphobia, a ’pathological desire to confront fear’. Proximity wingsuit flying involves donning a state-of-the-art Teflon winged suit, jumping out of a helicopter or off a cliff edge thousands of feet up and flying terrifyingly close to some of the world’s most dangerous mountain faces before pulling a parachute at the very last minute. It is the closest man has ever got to his ancient dream of flight and it is extremely dangerous. One mistake can lead to instant death. The son of Malibu multi-millionaires
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