Elemental Master - Cursed Destiny (remix)

I’m sure most of you haven’t played this -- I hadn’t either until just recently. This game is kind of like a serious version of Cho Aniki in the sense that they (Technosoft) took their top down shooter formula and decided to try to apply it to an RPG setting. It kind of works, but it’s... weird. Plays like any other top down shooter except instead of a space ship you’re a dude. The game’s pretty obscure, so there’s absolutely no art available for it. As a derpy little last resort, I used the Elemental Master from Elsword for the hell of it since pictures of her are basically all that shows up when I google Elemental Master anyway. The game’s pretty good by the way. Anyway, the soundtrack is by Toshiharu Yamanishi, aka the dude who wrote the Thunder Force III and IV soundtracks. Needless to say, it’s totally awesome and I’d love to do more from it, but considering the fanbase this game has I doubt I’ll revisit it. Download link: Visit my patreon:
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