SUPER PSYCHO L♥VE【Menma x Sakura】

DON’T WRITE THE NAME OF THE SONG/ARTIST/ANIME HERE. IF YOU DO I’LL DELETE YOUR COMMENT. JUST ASK IF YOU WANT TO KNOW ANYTHING! THIS CONTAINS MENMA X SAKURA. You’ve beenn warned. I don’t want haters here. I said. OMFG. My best amv. Ever. I’m so proud of this T____T asdf it took me 10 days to do it (because I had two exams this week :v) but I finally managed to finish it! Do you like the Menma I made? xD Why didn’t I realize it before? I just have to make Naruto become Menma pfff masks can do everything ewe then for every NaruSaku moment I can do a MenSaku moment OMFG *happy* after all they are the same person~ Ah btw I dunno if I’m going to upload my new videos on Wenoo and stop to upload on youtube because I don’t know how to reply comments and it’s so annoying this new googaytube :/ So Idk, that’s why I’m not replying your comments lately, sorry! Dedications: Cristina: (I stalked your dA and I know
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