Текст с Bandcamp’а: “Crawl back in your shithole, You’re not welcome here. Crawl back in your shithole, Our president mongers fear. Crawl back in your shithole, Trump is standing tall. Crawl back in your shithole, Stay on your side of the wall. Crawl back in your shithole, All Haitians have AIDS. Crawl back in your shithole, All Mexicans are rapists, except Trump’s maids. Crawl back in your shithole, Trump’s a very stable genius. Crawl back in your shithole, Trump says he has a huge penis. Crawl back in your shithole, Trump can’t find you on a map. Crawl back in your shithole, Give Kim Jong Un a bitch slap. Crawl back in your shithole, The welfare state’s too cushy Crawl back in your shithole, Grab Lady Liberty by the pussy Crawl back in your shithole, How does Putin’s cock taste? Crawl back in your shithole, A golden shower awaits. Orange Julius in office, stuffing immigrant families into coffins. separating families while combining church and state. Piggly wiggly combover son of a bitch, little feet, little hands, little dick! from BOOBIES, BANJOS, BAGPIPES & BEER, released August 16, 2018 Todd Henry - Drums Jay Andersen - Lead Vocals, Guitars John McGovern - Bagpipes, Bass Guitar recorded, mixed and mastered by Jay Andersen at Operation-Audio/ Bohemosphere in Saugerties, NY“
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