Nigun “Breslov / Bratslav“. Jewish / Yiddish folk melody from Bratslav (Breslov) in Vinnytsia region, central Ukraine. Music by “Dobranotch“ from St. Petersburg, Russia. Photo: Jews of Kremenchuk, Ukraine. New Year (Shana Tova) greeting card. Nigun means “melody / tune“ in Hebrew. Music by group “Dobranots“ (means “Good night“ in Ukrainian and Polish). Ashkenazi Jewish culture of Ukraine. Name Ashkenaz (means Germany in modern Hebrew) comes from Ashkuza, Assyrian term for Scythia, geographic Ukraine. In the past term Ashkenaz had much broader meaning and denoted nearly the entire northern Europe. Prior to the Holocaust, what is now Ukraine was home to 2 millions Askenazi Jews (that is half of the population of modern Israel). The bulk (a good half) of western Ukrainian Jews perished in Belzec extermination camp (now in Poland, just next to Ukraine´s border), while the most of central Ukrainian Jews were executed by German einsatzk
6 months ago 01:18:58 1
Кто сильнее его (1984) боевик
7 months ago 00:26:32 1
Пони Йошка Майя Лазаренская Чудо Радио
7 months ago 00:40:18 1
Ансамбль “Бородачи“, Одесса, 1970-е годы. Знаменитые одесские, еврейские и блатные песни.
7 months ago 00:00:05 1
Алина Давид 💃🕺 подпишись, лайкай, делись ❤️ Йошка Еш ☀️Йошкар-Ола
8 months ago 00:41:38 1
Йошка Ола и выезд из Казани
8 months ago 00:00:09 1
Переезд в 2024! Лучшее решение, город покорил😻 #йошкарола #марийэл #путешествия #туризм #йошка