ONO-SENDAI prototype vs PO-32. Preorders ready

ONO-SENDAI. Generative Groove box. [Preorder 15% discount] Get it here: [This is a preorder offer with 15% discount over final price. Units will ship at 7-15 of feb 2024. Final look could be slighly different from the photo but quite, quite similar, changing the silkscreens and some details] The Ono-Sendai is a synthesizer that takes the concept of the MicroFreak but utilizes the 54 modes from Braids instead of Plaits modes. This allows you to play it chromatically with a MIDI keyboard. It transforms into a customizable drum machine that can be played in real-time using the Braids oscillators. Additionally, We have incorporated a sequencer, 2 LFOs and 2 Envelopes, significantly expanding the capabilities beyond what Braids could achieve, turning it into a complete drum machine/groove box and synthesizer all in one. We have migrated the code from the original STM32 microcontroller to the more powerful RP2040, providing ample RAM and CPU resources to implement various features. Now, it includes an OLED screen and numerous extras. The firmware is in an 1.0 state and will keep offering free updates from the users. ONO-SENDAI is portable synthesizer that is powered via USB C type cable and therefore can be powered via a Power Bank. It comes comes in 3 flavors: -As a fully assembled unit -As a full kit that the user has to build -As a prepolulated PCB Programmed microcontroller for advanced builders. The user has to source the rest of the components and build the synth. There´s a user guide that explains every function, knob and button that you will download here. And there´s also will be a build guide for the builders here. Both are being written now You can watch ONO-SENDAI in action here:
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