300 Queue For Houses (1964)

Full title reads: “Sunbury. 300 Queue For Houses“. Sunbury, Middlesex. GV Of people queuing for homes at Sunbury. SV Crowd of people outside mobile sales office. CU Of salesmen from building company at door of mobile office calling out numbers of people in queue. SV Crowd waiting. CU Young couple looking at pamphlet of homes. CU Pamphlet showing drawing of home. GV Of empty building site. GV Of the campers’ cars on the site. SV Of Mr Wilson from Saint Ives preparing his tent. CU Of man asleep inside car. CU Woman cooking sausages inside car. CU Couple playing cards in car. GV Int. of Marquee people keeping warm by coke fire waiting for their number to be called on Saturday morning. CU Crowd in Marquee one man with number in his hat. SV Ext of the mobile Sales Offices. CU Int. of Mr Shorter from Feltham paying by cheque. CU Mr Shorter handing over cheque. SV Of Mr and Mrs Chapman paying their deposit in cash. CU Mr and Mrs Chapman holding money. SV Ext. Elated couple leave sales office
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