Brownsville Revival service- ’All To Jesus’, pt. 1: Aug. 25,1999
Don’t have my recorder working,so had 2 settle 4 using my HD camcorder 2 film the VHS tape at the moment. I was there that night,and many nights like this where there was a heavy presence of God in the building. The Brownsville Revival changed my entire life 4ever, & was the beginning of many awesome times of going after God w/all my heart.
5 months ago 00:10:33 1
Джон Килпатрик - Пробуждение в Brownsville Revival
2 years ago 00:04:34 1
Mercy Seat sung by Charity James - Brownsville Revival
3 years ago 01:11:18 5
The Brownsville Revival - Part 3
3 years ago 00:08:14 5
Brownsville Revival service- ’All To Jesus’, pt. 1: Aug. 25,1999