ОН УЛЕТЕЛ, НО ОБЕЩАЛ ВЕРНУТЬСЯ... (ПРЕДСКАЗАНИЯ, КОТОРЫЕ СБЫЛИСЬ - ЧАСТЬ 4.) В этом видео расказано о последствиях мятежа Мистера Гожкина и его дальнейшей судьбе. Оригинальное видео отснято 2 месяца назад и мои Хранители чётко показывают события последних трёх дней, когда рухнул частный самолёт, на котором предположительно находился Мистер Гожкин. Телеграм Канал 0UvTFdFo3g9mNDE5 Телеграм Чат: WLrpyN8H-ek2Y2Jh © Licence ▼ You’re free to use this song in your videos and monetize as well but you must include the following in your video description: Music from Soundcloud Music provided by RFM: INVICTO: @invicto2405 Alex-Productions: @alexproductionsn... Music promoted by RFM. Video Banner By PIXABAY. License for Content – Pixabay License. Content on Pixabay is made available to you on the following terms (“Pixabay License“). Under the Pixabay License you are granted an irrevocable, worldwide, non-exclusive and royalty free right to use, download, copy, modify or adapt the Content for commercial or non-commercial purposes. Attribution of the photographer, videographer, musician or Pixabay is not required but is always appreciated. CREDIT: Song featured in the video - “Standing Together“ by AK (AlJosha Konstanty) This song is paid for and featured with permission from the artist. His work is available on Youtube and is available for purchase at the link cited above.
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