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➡️ - Click here to watch 12 LIFE Lessons Learned In The MARINES.
➡️ - Click here to view to Medal of Citation
0:00 - Why Are The Marines So Stylish?
0:55 - Why are the Marines good looking
1:30 - US Military Branches
2:36 - A different approach from the Marines
3:28 - My story in the Marines
3:40 - Corporal Joseph Vittori, USMCR
5:54 - USMC Uniform
6:28 - #5 Reason Why The Marines Are Stylish
9:07 - #4 Reason Why The Marines Are Stylish
14:02 - #3 Reason Why The Marines Are Stylish
14:25 - Different Types of Marines Corps Uniform
19:52 - #2 Reason Why The Marines Are Stylish
21:35 - #1 Rea