The top 5 scariest robots ever invented. From creepy disfigured robot dancers and military robotic experiments to robots designed to pass as humans. Pure nightmare fuel!
It’s the top 5 Creepy Robots that are pure NIGHTMARE FUEL.
Female Figure
*Animatronic Robot like Lady Gaga =)
Now looking at this first metal and silicone monster, you’re probably gonna wonder why this robot is all the way down at #5 on the scary robots list. Well, that’s because this robot isn’t exactly scary by accident. This is an animatronic that was actually designed to be a bit creepy by its maker, artist Jordan Wolfson.
The dancing animatronic robot, simply titled “Female Figure“ by the artist, is that of a scantily clad woman wearing a witch mask and covered in dirt and what look like strange burns. As she dances to songs, she lip syncs with the track through a mouth filled with fanged teeth. Creepiest of all, the animatronic robot has cameras in its eyes and is programmed to recognize
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