The Tirpitz (1944)

Item title reads - The Tirpitz. Various shots as Frau Von Hassel launches the “Tirpitz“ in 1939 in Germany. L/S of Adolf Hitler saluting as he walks along. Crowds do salute and sing German national anthem as it is launched. M/S of British Midget submarine on surface of water flying British naval ensign. Various shots of Barracudas taking off from aircraft carrier and flying to Alten Fjord. Corsairs, Hellcats, Seafires and Wildcat fighters also took part. Various shots as they fly over the Fjord on first raid on “Tirpitz“, a smokescreen obscures the vision. L/S Barracudas landing on carrier, one tips up and engine catches fire, they put it out with foam. Another plane is hoisted over the side but it is deemed to be beyond repair and thrown back in. Various shots of the crew. Various shots as Lancaster bombers fly over the “Tirpitz“ on another raid and drop their bombs. Various shots from a camera in a bomber on a third raid. Various shots of the “Tirpitz“ being bombed with smoke and flames rising fr
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