Sustain Relationships! Part Three |Magnificent Life Daily Devotion

Sustain Relationships! Part Three “Now may the Lord of peace himself give you peace at all times in every way. The Lord be with you all. “ 2 Thessalonians 3:16 Some people cannot sustain relationships because they always turn on their sad mode button. They seem not to be able to shake it off from the past. And they’re tired all the time, and you just feel blah. If we can go deep into their history, we will see that it’s been a while since they’ve felt good mentally, emotionally, or physically. Instead, they’re irritable and having a hard time concentrating, and it seems like no matter what someone such as a counselor, pastor, or prayer warrior is trying to do to help them, they seem like they can’t get out of this rut. So, what’s going on? Could it be that they’re in a bad relationship? It’s easy to think that our relationship determines our emotional state. We see happy couples, and we automatically assume that if we we
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