Our debut single ’Man’ is out now -
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Music: Gina da Vido, Alex Lermontov
Lyrics - Gina da Vido
Back vocals: Shani Holtz
Guitar & Bass: Alex Lermontov
Saxophone: Amit Dahan
Keys: Gina da Vido
Drums: Yaniv Rosenfeld
Drums recording: Alone Sage
Mastering: Or Bahir
Choreography - Filmary
Dancers - Olia Shevchuk, Inna Gosha
Creative director & Executive producer - Gina da Vido
Director of photography - Dayana Mankovska
Camera - Dayana Mankovska, Eugene Bilokon
Edit - Dayana Mankovska, Gina da Vido
Color grading - Sasha Kozenko
Co-executive producer - Isabella Chernikova
BTS Photography - Yulia Sonata
Graphic design - Anna Sokolova
Actors: Yevgeny Ofer, Play Oddy, Asan Yusupov, Karina Fridman , Elena Platonova, Lina Yolkina, Ksenia Darsiuk, Olena Shtepura, Odarka Trokhymenko
Locations - Badehaus Berlin, Nassima Landau Gallery Tel Aviv
Special thanks for costumes to NNB no name brand - upcycling brand , and ACT KONTOR - show agency
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עם ישראל חי 🇮🇱
Man, I know you want to look Like a wild animal
Oh man, everyone knows that No one can handle this male
Ran, I heard that those who triedTo reach you ran away
Wait, I can’t wait to hear What you have to say
Your blue gaze passes my face
And stops for a sec
I can see how you forgot
What you just said
My dilated pupils hide My eyes in black
Spin me in a dance of one night Baby I beg
Oh babe, I won’t ask where you work
I don’t mind our real names tonight
Babe, raging ocean is beside us
On a starry and tropical night
Sandy, your sandy skin Glistens in the moonlight
Babe, seems I’m overtrust you Cause your body is not gonna lie
One, one sad joy flashed in your Sincere drunken eyes
Us, cause there were no conventions In between us
Baby I know how it feels
It could be so hard to believe
sometimes someone really likes you
not for pussy or for cash
1 month ago 01:32:50 1
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