How To Edit in Luminar NEO with SIMPLE STEPS

Get Luminar Neo with discount code ATNEO : Powerful AI de-noise tool discount code turnham15 : Intelligent sharpening discount code turnham15: Save $$ by getting the whole AI suite with Gigapixel too: In this photo editing tutorial I’ll use a viewer’s astro photography featuring the milky way to go through some basic editing techniques to bring your photos to life. We’ll go over basic develop foundations and how to selectively enhance areas of our photos with masks. Then I’ll go into more detail about a very useful colour toning technique, originally developed for photoshop but translates very well to Luminar NEO. Finally we’ll check out the best of the best, when it comes to recovering particularly noisy files. This photo is both out of focus AND grainy. A perfect candidate for the topaz suite of AI tools! The featured shot of the milky way tak
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