Neutral Milk Hotel - Live at 40 Watt Club, Athens, GA,

Earliest video from 1997 (excluding that strike-inducing Jittery Joe’s). “All the long ones with all the words and stuff. They don’t have a chorus or anything.“ Scott’s beard is coming through now. This is one of many acts at an e6 event, so Jeff has a lot of band members here, like rhythm bass extra. It’s interesting, Gardenhead has a nice wall of sound to it. ’Message Sent’ benefits from the extra band members especially. The camera operator really likes their dutch angles. 00:00 - Two-Headed Boy 05:19 - Oh Comely 13:30 - Gardenhead/Leave Me Alone 17:02 - The King of Carrot Flowers Pts 2 & 3 (Pt 2 is literally just one line) 19:25 - Message Sent 22:29 - Song Against Sex 26:42 - [closing jam]
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