Team Service Announcement #21: “Pop it, Don’t Drop it“

The optimal time to activate an ÜberCharge is right before coming within range of a sentry nest, or entering an area heavily occupied by enemies. However, sometimes you can get ambushed or have your patient killed before you get a chance to use the charge. In this case, your best option is to activate the ÜberCharge prematurely to keep yourself from dying, and letting your patient take out the threat, push as far as you can with what’s left of the ÜberCharge, or allowing yourself to escape. This goes for any medigun. A sudden flash with the Kritzkrieg can be enough to save you and your patient from a surprise heavy attack. The Quick-Fix’s ÜberCharge can heal you enough to withstand any incoming damage while retreating, and can keep Pyros from air blasting you away from safety. The Vaccinator can also keep you safe from random critical attacks, or crit-boosted enemies. Bonus Tip: When you stop healing a player with your ÜberCharge activated, they will stay invinc
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