Tomb Raider LB Advent Calendar 2020 - Lara’s Busy Christmas : A Scarf Story Walkthrough
TRLE LB Advent Calendar 2020 - Lara’s Busy Christmas : A Scarf Story Walkthrough
Level By : Jesus
LB (LevelBase) Advent Calendar is an annual event in Lara’s LevelBase. This event only takes place throughout December. There are some recipes for making of Christmas cookie, some decoration guide, or some TRLE levels related to Christmas.
It’s Christmas time and Lara Croft is preparing all the presents for her loved ones. Only Zip’s one is left, but it won’t be an easy task, as the manor is always surprising our dear Croft. So help her to uncover the mysteries of Lara’s famous house before Christmas Eve, retrieve her mother’s sewing box (crucial to get Zip’s present done in due time!) and relive Lara’s past memories as you explore Croft Manor and its undergrounds.
I must say the croft manor is so beautiful. and the Underground level takes me back to the good times in TR Anniversary. I am impressed by His/Her work. It’s totally worth giving it a t