Vadim Starov & Roger Brusendorf Systema Spetsnaz. (Berlin, Germany )
Workshop in Berlin, Germany “Systema Spetsnaz” Vadim Starov
6 - 8 November 2015 Summer Camp Berlin
Universal system for self-defense, self-development, Martial Arts. Russian martial art / Contact Martial Arts / Psychology and Physical Training Russian Spetsnaz
6 - 7 November 2015 Basic Course Systema Spetsnaz (public)
8 November 2015 Master Course Systema Spetsnaz / Non Contact Combat
Author, lecturer and instructor: Vadim Starov
- Breathing systems for combat, healing, influencing the psyche and physique; - Safe fall on hard surfaces; - Active points and zones for nerve pressure-, impact and rehabilitation techniques; - Relationship of shocking blows and nerve pressure techniques; Setting a KO blow; - Self-protection against cutting and stabbing weapons, firearms; - Self-protection and self-defense under difficult circumstances (lift, car, train compartment, etc.); - Special psychological and psychophysical preparation; - Specific medical preparation: resuscitation, rehabilitation, recovery after physical trauma, accidents, states of shock and stress. - Knife fighting, stick fighting, fencing with swords; Army melee (MP, feldspars, knife, gun); - Use of improvised “weapons“: plastic cards, newspaper, wallet, keys, lighters, coins, pens, chair and table, jacket, scarf and belt, bottle, glass, etc. - Special acrobatics; Handles and liberation from grabs; Protection from knocks, twisting, wedging; - Control of balance, bring the opponent off balance; - Striking techniques, pain points and their application; - Disarming an opponent; - Holistic work, group work (boiler). - The human will and mobilization; - Acceleration of the psyche, increased responsiveness; - Deceleration of the psyche, regeneration of the nervous system; - Pain and possibilities of its control, increasing the pain threshold.
Non Contact Combat:
- Personal style, techniques and strategies of pugilism; - The resources inside the body; - Bioenergetics, Energetic breathing, working with energy; - Psycho-physical capabilities of the control of the enemy: body movements, language, breathing; - Illusions - shackles of consciousness, attention; - Working with time - affect the speed of the opponent; - Developing of extrasensoric skills - And much more.
Topics may vary and depend primarily on the capabilities and needs of the participants. The seminar will be held in the Russian language and live translated into German or English, due to the requirements of the participants.
Contact, information, registration:
49 (0) 172 381 7321.
Wolfram Ruhtz immcont@
Location of Event:
Ort: Deutschland, Eberswalde is 40 km from Berlin
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