[] How to setup OpenTabletDriver on Windows x64 (Portable)

/!\ News in the comment section /!\ /!\ Update: .NET 6.0 doesn’t work with and below, get .NET 5 from microsoft’s website or get .NET from the link below. /!\ Update: OTD has been released, so i first marked this tutorial as outdated but since it’s bugged, I’ll remove that and keep it as it is right now until is completely fixed, which might take a while. /!\ I would advise to use as it’s the most stable version, even thought just released. I Advise having some background music while watching this tutorial, i prefer leaving it with no music so everyone can jam to the song they like. /!\ tablet not being implemented doesn’t mean they are not supported, just like untested tablets, they might need a config to work /!\ Compatibility list: Dotnet:
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